Our Mission:
This is your chance to join hundreds of handbell enthusiasts from all around the East Tennessee area.
Who we are
Smoky Mountain Ring, formerly known as the Knox Area Handbell Festival, had its beginnings in 1996 and is held every year during the spring. Nationally known clinicians lead the festivals. The goal is to provide an educational event in a multi-choir environment. Handbell ringing can bring together, in a unique way, people of all ages, experiences, backgrounds, and interests into one cohesive, musical ensemble. Ringing provides an outlet and a common ground for people who otherwise would not have anything to bring them together.
It’s great if you can bring your whole handbell choir, but if you can only get a few ringers together, that’s okay, too. (In massed ringing, someone is likely doubling or tripling your part already.) “Orphan” ringers are always welcome, and we can give you a spot in a handbell choir in advance so that you can be prepared when you arrive. We strive to make our festivals a positive experience for both the advanced ringer and the beginner. Our clinician will lead rehearsals and direct us in a final concert, oftentimes with brass, keyboard or other instruments joining us. It’s a wonderful way to get re-energized and focused on this wonderful musical art.